

Yoga Forest Japan 主催。
Yogis English Workshop メイン講師。
Yin Yang ヨガウェアサポーター。



影響を受けた先生は、Max Strom,Seane Cone,Bernie Clark,Jodi Boone,禅僧Thich Nhat Hanh。

健康的なライフスタイルの意識と知恵の共有を目標に2012年にYoga Forest Japanを設立。世界旅行に出て、これまでに約30国を旅行した経験を持つ。”旅は私にとって、世界中の文化、ライフスタイル、ヨガのある生活を肌で感じさせてくれる貴重なもの。旅は自分自分の本当の幸せを再確認することが出来ます。
★Sandra Fang Home Page
★Yoga Forest Home page
Yoga Teacher based in Kansai (Yoga Alliance E-RYT200)

Founder of Yoga Forest
Main Teacher of Yogis English Workshop
Yin Yang Yoga Wear Supporter
Sandra is Chinese Canadian from Vancouver, Canada. She is based in Kansai teaching vinyasa yoga, yin yogaand ayurveda. She first met yoga when she was a university student. Soon she began to notice that yoga had helped her to learn more about herself and inspired her to live life to the fullest. After she graduated with a Kinesiology degree, she moved to Japan and completed her first yoga training in Osaka, then continued to travel and study different yoga styles with world-renowned yoga teachers. With her knowledge in anatomy, yoga asana, ayurveda, and philosophy, she wants to help people to find calmness, mindfulness, and balance in lifethrough yoga practice. Teachers who have the most influences on her teachings are Max Strom, Seane Corn, Bernie Clark, Jodi Boone, and Zen Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh.

With the intention of connecting people and to share the knowledge and wisdom of a healthy lifestyle, Sandrafounded Yoga Forest in 2012. She is also a world traveler who has traveled to about 30 countries so far. She said, “Passion is the driving force behind me in the pursue of happiness. I travel to see the wonders of the world, different cultures, lifestyles, and yoga environment around the globe.”




全米ヨガアライアンス認定陰ヨガTT50時間, Bernie Clark
Inner AxisTT20時間, Max Strom
全米ヨガアライアンス認定ヴィンヤサTT20時間, Seane Corn
全米ヨガアライアンス認定マタニティヨガTT35時間, Jodi Boone
全米ヨガアライアンス認定アーユルヴェーダTT20時間, Jodi Boone
全米ヨガアライアンス認定インサイトヨガTT20時間, Sarah Powers
全米ヨガアライアンス認定陰ヨガ解剖学TT20時間, Janet Lau
ヨガエド-キッズヨガTT30時間, Brynne Caleda
チャクラヨガ 14時間, Anodea Judith

200 hour Yoga Alliance yoga teacher training
50 hour Yoga Alliance yin yoga teacher training Bernie Clark
108 hour Ayurveda awareness training in Kerala, India
20 hour Inner Axis teacher training with Max Strom
20 hour Yoga Alliance vinyasa flow teacher training with Seane Corn
35 hour Yoga Alliance maternity yoga teacher training with Jodi Boone
20 hour Yoga Alliance ayurveda teacher training with Jodi Boone
20 hour Yoga Alliance Insight Yin yoga teacher training with Sarah Powers
20 hour Yoga Alliance yin yoga anatomy teacher training with Janet Lau
30 hour Yoga Ed. kids yoga teacher training with Brynne Caleda
14 hour Chakra yoga with Anodea Judith


パークヨガ 2014
関西ヨガフェスタ 2014
大阪スピリットフェスティバル 2014
Yogis English Workshop 2012-2014

Park Yoga Osaka 2014
Kansai Yogafest 2014
Osaka Spirit Festival 2014
Yogis English Workshop 2012-2014


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